
Saturday, 20 February 2016

Make sure it's multigrain or wholegrain

You need to ensure that you have one portion of multigrain or whole gran food every day. For me, this is no challenge - breads and cereals and carby things are my favourite food type. The trick for me is ensuring that the food I am eating is multigrain or multigrain. It is a whole brown bread vs white bread thing.

"Whole grain means that all parts of the grain kernel — the bran, germ and endosperm — are used. In contrast, multigrain means that a food contains more than one type of grain, although none of them may necessarily be whole grains. The same goes for other variations, such as the term "seven grain." - by the Mayo Clinic

Brown bread or multigrain bread instead of white bread. All bran instead of sugar puffs. Brown rice instead of white rice etc etc. I also make sure that my whole or multigrain have that little yellow stamp on them just to make sure they definitely are whole or multigrain.

Those grains are filled with so many great vitamins and minerals - I really do suggest that we all make the change and the sooner the better!

And that's that - a short but sweet post for today :)

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

The Fruits that will Help you Conceive

So, we need to eat four portions of fruit every day. That is not an easy thing to do for me. Veg - no problem, but fruit is that bit harder.

To make it easier for myself I keep frozen fruit in the refrigerator to put in with yoghurt for breakfast and I buy bananas and frozen berries for smoothies. I will also buy a bunch of other fruit and just force myself to eat it. The best fruits to eat when TTC include: berries, pineapple (with certain restrictions), avocado, prunes and figs and peach, bananas, citrus fruits. If you eat these fruits then know also that you are eating super-fertile foods.


Blueberries and raspberries in particular will provide antioxidants that prevent aging in your cells - including your eggs and his sperm. Blueberries are hormone-balancers that can regulate ovulation. Berry good, right?


Ahh pineapple - eat it before ovulation and it will create an acidic cervical fluid that could kill off any budding sperm before you have even started. Eat it after ovulation and oh boy, the bromelain that it contains will really help to create a sticky egg! Be sure to eat the core of the pineapple - that is the important bit! I keep a pineapple for after I can see a clear ovulation pattern and I cut off a slice a day, which I place in the blender (core and all) to add to my daily fruit smoothie.


Eat an avocado and not only are you getting two of your fruit portions, but you are also getting two of your good fat portions - thereby killing two birds with one stone! Avocados are a super food. Monounsaturates could actually lower inflammation in the body, boosting your fertility - perfick!

Prunes, Figs and Peaches

These fruits contain high levels of iron and zinc, which are useful for someone who need high levels of iron and zinc at a time when you are trying to conceive. Zinc in particular is good for making healthy sperm for the man in your life.


Bananas are filled with vitamin B6, which helps you have regular cycles and helps your man with his sperm development. There are also tales of eating enough of them at conception leading to a baby boy!

Citrus Fruits

These are great for your vitamin C consumptions! Why not infuse with your water with lemon or munch on some orange slices. Plus, yummy delicious!
The orange trees that line the streets in Spain (which is where I am right now)