
Sunday, 13 December 2015

What are good fats?

Good fats include monosaturated fats, for example olives or avocadoes and they include polyunsaturated fats, for example fatty fish or walnuts. Saturated fats like dairy products or red meat may not be the worst type of fats, but they are not to be confused with the important good fats that you need two daily portions of in order to be super fertile.

We don't really need to encroach upon trans fats like deep fried anything or biscuits or baked goods, they are just a no no but then we have known that for years!

I find it very simple to ensure that I get these types of good fats into my diet. I eat a serving of salmon twice every week. It is a fish that does not have a high mercury content and is the only fish, therefore, that I fully trust. I eat a handful of almonds every day. I eat half an avocado on multigrain toast every day.

Eating more good fats is one area of your diet where, with the exception of the salmon, you do not need to do any heavy duty cooking. I keep a small tub of almonds in my handbag to snack on whenever I need to and then I eat salmon and avocado. Pretty simple, right?

Stay tuned for this recipe!

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