
Saturday, 23 January 2016

Supplements you should be taking when TTC

Supplements should not replace a healthy diet, they should be in addition to a healthy diet. In an ideal World our diets would be perfectly balanced with one portion of multigrain and four portions of fruit or three portions of veg etc etc. But we are imperfect beings and there will definitely be days when our diets are imperfect. This makes supplements super important.

Supplements ensure that we are as healthy as can be. They can prevent miscarriage and birth defects. They shouldn't be taken as soon as you realise that you are pregnant, but should be taken before that. Our baby's neural tube develops before you will even have missed a period often and by taking supplements you can give yourself a better chance than such things as a neural tube defect will not develop in your baby.

It is also important to note that supplements should always come upon recommendation from a Doctor. There are some that can really change your cycle and whilst that is a good thing in some cases, it isn't in all.

As a minimum you should take 600 to 800 mcg folic acid.

As a little more than minimum you should take a prenatal vitamin. The prenatal vitamins are all much of a muchness. Some of them do have pink/red dye in them though and there are some that say those aren't as good because of that red dye. You may find they make you nauseous. I did but I persevered and that nausea went away. You may wish to take them before bed or with food. We are all different and there isn't a 'one answer fits all' sort of a response!

I live in cold and dark Canada and there are all sorts of studies that show people in these cold and dark places don't have enough vitamin D3 - even in summer, when sun block stops the vitamin D3 entering our system. There are also studies that show that vitamin D3 is a miracle supplement that can prevent miscarriage and all sorts of things. I take 2000iu.

This is all that I take at the moment, I am planning on visiting my Doctor very soon, in order to get his opinion on a few more different supplements, including:
  • magnesium
  • omega 3
  • ubiquinol
  • EPO
  • vitex
  • iron
  • B complex
I will let you know what my Doctor says! I think I will be getting a blood test done to test for any deficiencies in any areas that may better inform the my choices of supplements.

photo credit: Take One via photopin (license)

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